What construction is happening in 2023?

    A 14km underground pipe is currently being constructed. 

    New pumps and a new injection/extraction well to provide more treated stormwater for public irrigation.

    How does this initiative improve water security?

    Treated stormwater from the Oaklands wetland will improve our water security as it provides another sustainable water source option which further diversifies our water supplies.

    How does this initiative benefit the environment?

    This water network expansion will mean that 143 million litres of SA Water mains supply will not be needed. In turn, this means that 143 million litres will not be taken from the River Murray.

    Capturing stormwater before it enters the sea and treating it for reuse benefits the Gulf of St Vincent and its seagrass meadows.

    Why is the water distribution network being expanded?

    The network is being expanded to supply more treated stormwater to irrigate public schools, ovals and reserve to help cool and green our city.

    Can you supply water from Oaklands Wetlands to my property?

    Currently, water is only suitable for irrigation. 

    Future plans include treating water for internal supply for toilets and washing machines only.