1. What is proposed for this carpark design?

    It is proposed to formalise Moreland Avenue Carpark and upgrade the footpath around the carpark. The proposed carpark will include the following features: 

    • Asphalt surface
    • Barrier kerb & channel around the carpark
    • Line marking
    • New entrance from Moreland Avenue while the current entrance/exit remains as exit only.
    • Box drains and rock lined open swale for discharging stormwater runoff.
    • Carpark lighting for improving the safety of the community. 
    • Replacing large shrubs with trees and grass-like perennial herbs for better access to cars parking on the southern side of the carpark right next to property # 42 Quick Rd
    • Permeable paved footpath
    • New kerb ramps

    2. What will Moreland Avenue Carpark look like?

    concept plan has been prepared to give a sense of what the carpark will look like. In preparing the detailed design, Council is seeking feedback from the local community through this consultation via surveys and Making Marion website. 

    3. How do I provide feedback on the design features?

    Access the survey and provide your feedback. All feedback received during the consultation will be taken into consideration when preparing the final design.

    4. How will I be impacted during the construction of the new carpark?

    Contractors will be onsite from 7am – 5pm Monday – Friday, some weekend work may be undertaken if required. Works will consider impacts to the local community and will minimise these as far as possible.  

    5. When will works likely to start and how long will construction take?

    The construction of the carpark is likely to start in the end of this year. It will take around 2 - 3 months to complete the construction.

    6. Where do I park during construction?

    During construction parking along nearby streets will still be available. There is also a carpark at Mitchell Park Sports Club that can be used during construction.