Why is the playground being removed?

    The play equipment is over 20 years old and is at the end of its usable life.

    What is going to replace the play equipment?

    The design proposes reserve reinstatement with nature play, a native butterfly garden and irrigated turf and native landscaping.

    What works can I expect to see happening at the reserve?

    The existing play equipment and the rubber softfall surround will be removed from the reserve. Casuarina glauca trees from the reserve will be removed. Following this, irrigation, path and nature play items will be constructed. Drinking fountain, remaining furniture items and interpretive signage will be installed. Later native trees and plants will be planted and mulched during the planting season (April-May 2021) to ensure the reserve is a pleasant open space.

    Why are Casuarina glauca trees being removed from the reserve?

    Casuarina glauca are a declared pest under the Landscape South Australia Act 2019 and problematic especially due to their suckering growth. The trees along southern boundary are observed to be suckering throughout the reserve. If not removed, they will affect the growth of the proposed butterfly garden. We are proposing to remove three Casuarina glauca trees through the reserve upgrade to reduce maintenance issues in the future. These will be replaced with suitable native trees as part of the development.

    Why is a butterfly garden proposed?

    Butterflies are important part of the ecosystem. Habitat clearance and urban development has resulted in the loss of specialised environments impacting the floral diversity required to sustain, and then complete, a butterfly’s lifecycle. Council has received interest from two organisations Bringing Back the Butterflies (Australian Association of Environmental Education) and the Friends of Glenthorne to work with Council to develop a native butterfly garden at the reserve.

    (Source: https://www.environment.sa.gov.au/goodliving/posts/2018/12/benefits-of-butterflies)

    How long will construction take?

    Works will occur from March 2021. It is anticipated the new reserve will be open in May 2021.

    How will this affect the use of the reserve?

    For public safety, the reserve will be closed throughout the construction phase.