Why is the reserve named Elizabeth Ryan?

    The existing reserve is named after Elizabeth Ryan and was gifted to the City of Marion by her Son Mr J.E Ryan in 1945. Elizabeth Ryan (1840-1928) was one of the pioneers of the Marion district. Her husband unfortunately died while she was expecting her seventh child. Surviving initially on $1 per week she worked the family farm and eventually opened a store and chaff business. So successful was her work ethic that she was able to expand the farm and buy property further afield. She also gives back to the local community by building Brixton House on the corner of Marion and Cross Roads (no longer standing). 

    It was a large house and garden that was used for social and fundraising fairs and fetes. Elizabeth was a strong and courageous woman who faced many challenges, worked hard and turned her families fortunes around. Several of the streets in the Plympton area appear to be named after her children: Alice, Elizabeth and Herbert. 

    It is proposed to celebrate her story through historical signage and also provide playful interpretation by using Mother Goose theming within the playspace upgrade in reference to her strong motherhood and family values. Mother Goose is a collection of rhymes and folk tales that have been historically passed down through generations and continue to aid in literacy development to this day. Best known are Baa Baa Black Sheep, Hey Diddle Diddle, Jack and Jill and Humpty Dumpty to name a few.

    Why is this upgrade occurring?

    A 9 year Open Space Plan to achieve an even spread of appealing and functional open spaces across the City was endorsed in June 2020. This reserve was endorsed for this reserve upgrade to be carried out in 2024/25. For this reason, Council is consulting with the community to get their thoughts on the draft concept design.

    This work is guided by the Open Space Framework. To find out more about scheduled upgrades in your area check out our Open Space Plan.

    When is the upgrade happening?

    Planning and design will be undertaken in the 2022/23 financial year, with construction to be undertaken in the 2024/25 financial year.  

    What will be included?

    Key items proposed in the upgrade included but not limited to are:

    • New play equipment
    • Extended land area (turf and garden beds)
    • Historical signage 
    • Seating
    • Fully fenced reserve

    For specific details on plans for this site, please check out the draft concept design.

    Will the existing playground be removed?

    Yes, the play equipment will be removed and replaced with new equipment.

    Will the extended reserve include fencing?

    Yes, the reserve will be fully fenced.

    I can’t attend the onsite session. How do I provide my feedback?

    We invite you to share your feedback through the online survey.
    Your feedback will help to inform the final design. If you have further queries on plans for this site, you are welcome to contact Council.

    What will happen with my feedback?

    Your feedback is important to us and will help develop the final concept design for Elizabeth Ryan Reserve. The final concept design will be available for the community and public to view in early 2024. The final design will be added to the website. 

    Will there be shade, a barbecue and toilet included in the reserve?

    The design has considered shade from existing trees and some additional trees will be planted as part of the upgrade. 

    Elizabeth Ryan Reserve is a local level reserve. A public toilet and a barbeque are outside of the budget for this type of reserve upgrade.