Construction FAQs

    What are the hours in which the work will be conducted?

    Our standard hours of work are between 7.00am and 5.00pm Mon-Fri with Saturdays reserved for emergencies.

    Can residents could opt and pay for a fence upgrade to colorbond, good neighbour style or taller fencing, if they paid the difference - how will this be facilitated?

    T&J Contractors have provided a rate to paint the property side of the new fence.  We can also provide rates for specific fence types if required, please let us know. We will be replacing fencing and entry points same for same.

    Council will be meeting with each resident to discuss what council will be responsible for and any changes will be required to be paid for by the resident. We will provide this information to the contractor outlining this.

    If one does not currently have a fence on the legal boundary, can it be kept until the new fence is constructed?

    In short, no.  In order to provide access to construct the new concrete pavement right up to the property boundary the existing fencing will need to be removed as one of the first site activities. 

    The temporary fencing will be placed on the property side of the cadastral property boundary and the new fence will be on the cadastral alignment.

    How will dust be minimised during construction?

    T&J will use watercarts / trailers to minimize dust during construction.

    What about my dogs and children when temporary fencing is installed?

    T&J Contractors have included a rate to provide “dog-proof fencing” where required. You can see a diagram of dog-proof fencing on our website at

    This is in addition to the temporary fencing we will be installing. 

    Council will provide details of who has dogs on their property to the contactor. If you need to advise us of your requirements still, please contact or call Glandore Project Team on 8375 6600.

    I have a garage 1m off the legal boundary, will the contractor be liable if they damage it anyway?

    T&J will complete a dilapidation report (photos of existing infrastructure) prior to commencing works on site.  These photos will be used as a reference if there are any disputes regarding damage.

    If any trees or ornaments are damaged inside my boundary after the 1metre clearance requirement - who will pay for their replacement?

    T&J Contractors have provide a rate to trim trees, where required.  We will protect any existing trees during construction.  Provided they do not extend into the laneway corridor, they should not be an issue for construction. Council expects T&J construction to cover any additional damage to property via their insurance

General Project FAQs

    Why is Council acquiring the laneways?

    Council is acquiring the laneways so they can be brought up to standard and maintained for the community. The laneways were established in the early 1900s and belonged to the deceased estate of former engraver Frederick Burmeister who died in 1923.

    The Public Trustee was appointed executor of the estate in 1940 and has care of the land. Since being approached by local residents, Council has maintained the lanes while consulting with the community and working through the complex and lengthy legal issues involved in taking possession.

    Does Council need to access my property?

    In addition to building works on the six corner properties, surveyors will need to enter all properties along the laneways to check fencing levels that will affect the design and construction of the new road. We will notify those who are affected separately.

    How will the laneways be maintained once they’re constructed?

    Council, as the owner of the lane, will be responsible for maintaining the lanes, including the road, lights, signage, parking and traffic. Once the new fences, stormwater outlets and any other structure are built on private land they become the property of the owner who will be responsible for their maintenance.

    What work will occur in the laneways?

    Initial work will involve altering fences and sheds on the corners of the lanes to make it safe for vehicles to turn and to enable one-way traffic. This will be followed by:

    • Closing some of the lanes to traffic.
    • Rebuild the road including bituminising the surface
    • Installation street lighting
    • Improving drainage
    • Installing new fencing for properties which back onto the laneways

    As part of the construction, soil and rubble from the laneway will be removed and replaced with suitable road base material. Soil sampling undertaken as part of the assessment found low levels of potential contamination in the form of ash and bitumen in the lanes consistent with their use as a long-term road.  Appropriate safety and environmental procedures will be followed in excavating, removing and disposing of the fill.

    Are there any other impacts on my property?

    To build the road we need to remove sections of existing fences or prune overhanging trees that encroach into the laneway. Fencing will be replaced for all properties along the surveyed boundary once the road is built. Temporary fencing will be installed while the work is underway

    Will I be able to access the laneways during construction?

    The laneways will need to be closed from time to time while construction is in progress. Arrangements regarding parking and access will be discussed with affected residents as part of the preparation for construction to minimise inconvenience.

    How will the laneways be safer?

    The laneways will operate one-way to reduce the risk of vehicle accidents. The tight corners will be widened to better enable vehicle movements. Street lighting will be installed to improve safety at night.