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Tell us what you think

We invite you to provide feedback on our Smart Goals and Smart Principles via this survey.

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Thank you for taking the time to provide your feedback. 

Our Smart Goals

Smart Community

Our Smart Community is informed and engaged, to ensure our citizens are at the centre of using technology, digital skills and tools to progress our six themes of being liveable, connected, engaged, prosperous, innovative and valuing nature.

Smart Places

Smart Places are the neighbourhoods we live in, parks and facilities we gather in, places we recreate and create art in. They harness information, technology and infrastructure to support our community to thrive.

Smart Organisations

Being a Smart Organisation ensures we put our customers first. We use technology to create inclusive ways for people to interact with us and continuously look for innovative ways to provide services to our community.

To achieve these goals we will use the following principles:

Our Principles

People – we have a people-centred approach to being smart. This ensures we remain focused on improving our residents’ and visitors’ quality of life.

Problems – we advance innovation and sustainability with a problem-focused lens, addressing real community issues and opportunities that we see and hear about from our community.

Collaborate – we are wise with more minds, through experience, sharing of resources, and funding. We value partnerships with government, businesses and research to collaboratively solve problems and identify opportunities.

Fast followers –To maximise value for money, where possible and appropriate we will experiment, learn and scale following others who have gone before.

Inclusive – we seek to bridge the digital divide in our community and provide options for interacting with us as an organisation.

Meaningful - with the growing availability of data and information, we will ensure we use this important asset in a meaningful way to improve services and inform decision making.

Safety and Integrity – Technology offers exciting opportunities to enhance transparency, accountability and safety. Working with experts we will maintain the integrity of the information and privacy of our community.

Fast Followers
Safety & Integrity

Action Plan

The strategic plan will include projects for the next three years 2020-2023 to achieve the goals and principles above. 

If you or your team have a project or idea that would help us achieve our goals please list them below.  eg. Digital literacy, Digital Transformation, Smart street lighting in precincts, Transport & Moveability Plan