What is planned for this space?

    Hessing Crescent Reserve is a neighbourhood level playground designed to cater for people in surrounding suburbs. This space will be less developed to allow people to use this space for an extended period of time.

    Key items proposed in the upgrade included but not limited to are:

    • New play equipment, both passive and active
    • Drink fountain
    • Path connections
    • Additional trees and garden beds
    • Upgraded irrigation system
    • Picnic Space and Seating

    For further information please refer to the Hessing Crescent Reserve- Draft Concept Plan.

    Who decided on this upgrade?

    Council endorsed a playground upgrade for Hessing Crescent Reserve through the City of Marion's Open Space Plan(External link) in August 2022.

    When will this reserve be upgraded?

    Construction is anticipated to start in 2023/24.

    Will a new toilet be added?

    A new toilet is not part of the scope for this project as there is an existing public toilet close to the playground. Better signage will be provided to ensure the toilet can be located from the playground.

    Will this reserve get shade sails?

    There are existing shelters on site and mature trees to provide shade. Space is too limited to provide shade sails but equipment will be positioned to capture the shade already on site and further tree planting will occur.

    Why is the existing playground being removed?

    The existing playground is being removed as it has reached the end of its asset life and now requires replacement. This consultation will help to shape the new look of this reserve upgrade.