We want the City of Marion’s assets to be safe, accessible, well maintained and meet community needs in a sustainable manner.

Update - November 2023

At their meeting on 28 November 2023, council members reviewed all community feedback provided and voted to endorse the Asset Management Strategy 2023-2033. You can review the Community feedback report and see how it helped inform the final version of the strategy. Thank you for your contribution to this important initiative.

For more information on how we manage our large portfolio of assets visit our Asset Management page.


The South Australian Local Government Act 1999 requires Council to have a strategic management plan for infrastructure and other major assets for a period of at least ten years. In addition to the legislative requirement, our role is to ensure that our assets meet the needs of our community now and into the future.

The City of Marion owns and manages a large and diverse asset portfolio and we are looking beyond day-to-day operations and investing in the long-term quality of life for our community.

Council’s assets provide services to the community and businesses for current and future generations. They range from roads and footpaths, to buildings, playgrounds, trees, shelters, vehicles, machinery and stormwater drains.

Gifted assets we receive from sources including State Government and developers attract ongoing operational and maintenance costs over their life.

The City of Marion upholds a commitment to implementing asset management best practices throughout all areas of the Council, ensuring that assets’ performance, risks, funding, and replacement values are integral factors in decision-making and strategic planning.

Join the conversation

Consultation has now close, thank you to everyone who participated and provided feedback.