
During a traffic review within Edwardstown, which assessed the traffic conditions as part of a proposed revitalisation of the precinct, several precincts were identified for traffic control treatments within the area. These treatments were to consider restricting the movement of traffic in one direction which included Erudina Avenue and Coongie Avenue.

Based on a recent community engagement with business owners and residents within Edwardstown, it was raised that one-way movement of vehicles and the provision for parking on Erudina Avenue and Coongie Avenue could provide benefit to residents and businesses in the immediate area.

In view of the community feedback Council will undertake a 6 month trial to begin Saturday 30th July 2022, to monitor and review the effectiveness of a one-way road on Erudina Avenue and Coongie Avenue. Please refer to diagram.

3 Month Review Update

Since the commencement of the One-Way Road trial Council has undertaken observations, parking studies, traffic data collection and a door knocking survey from businesses on Coongie & Erudina Avenue.

It was found during the trial that a high number of non-conformances of the one-way road traffic movement and vehicles entering intersections incorrectly. Additionally, concerns were raised regarding access of delivery vehicles to some businesses and garbage trucks accessing bins.

The community door knocking survey of businesses undertaken in September found that the support for continuing the One-Way Road Trial was low.

With both the technical and community concerns raised, City of Marion will cease the One-Way Road Trial after 3 months on 22nd October (subject to weather).