Linear Park Reserve located in Hallett Cove, was upgraded in 2014 with new playground equipment, 3 on 3 basketball, a picnic table with shelter, seating, and pathways.
As part of Councils endorsed Open Space Plan (August 2022) funding has been allocated to install fitness equipment along the pathway.
Work will also include the installation of a drinking fountain near the playground equipment and pathway activities located around the central park loop.
Join the conversation
We are seeking community feedback on the type and location of the fitness equipment.
We invite you to view the options in the draft concept plan and complete the short survey below.
The opportunity to provide feedback will be open until 5 pm Monday 29 April 2024.
Next Steps
Following the community consultation, all feedback will be reviewed and considered and will assist with the final design and improvements to Linear Park Reserve.
We will let you know when the final design has been completed and publish it on this page.
All reserve upgrades are scheduled to be completed by June 2025.
For further information please call the Open Space and Recreation Planning team on 8375 6600 or email