What happened to the last revocation consultation in 2017?

    Feedback from this consultation has been incorporated into the open space upgrade of McConnell Avenue Reserve East. You can find more information here.

    Why are you consulting again for a revocation?

    Council endorsed the following motion on 13 October 2020.

    That Council:

    1. Notes the commitment to upgrade the eastern side of McConnell Avenue Reserve in the 2021/22 financial year.

    2. Develops an integrated community engagement strategy for the renewal of the eastern parcel of McConnell Avenue Reserve and potential revocation of the western parcel of McConnell Avenue Reserve.

    3. Commences the revocation process for the potential disposal of the western portion of land known as McConnell Avenue Reserve, Allotment 189 in Deposited Plan 2909 being portion of the land in Certificate of Title Volume 1234 Folio 18 which includes a public consultation and preparation of a report under Section 194(2)(a) of the Local Government Act.

    4. Brings a report to Council for consideration of the outcome of the public consultation under Section 194(2)(b) of the Local Government Act 1999 for the potential disposal of the western portion of land known as McConnell Avenue Reserve, Allotment 189 in Deposited Plan 2909 being portion of the land in Certificate of Title Volume 1234 Folio 18.

    The previous consultation has lapsed.

    What is happening to the Eastern Portion of McConnell Avenue Reserve?

    The eastern portion of McConnell Avenue Reserve will be upgraded. A consultation to develop a design can be found here. The upgrade will begin from July 2021.

    What will happen if the land is sold?

    If the land is sold, subject to Ministers Approval, it can be developed subject to planning laws.

    What process does the revocation follow?

    The revocation process is included on this Making Marion page.

    What will the money be used for if the land is sold?

    The funds will be returned to the City of Marion Open Space Fund which will be used to develop open space across the city.

    What will happen if the land is retained?

    If the land is retained, council will have the opportunity to endorse funding to upgrade the site.