Pursuant to Section 92 of the Local Government Act 1999 (the Act), the City of Marion is required to have a Code of Practice for Access to Council Meetings and Documents. The objective of the Code is to clearly document how the Council will deal with public access to its meetings and associated documents and in what circumstances the public access will be restricted.

The Code of Practice will set out the policy framework for access to meetings and documents and provides guidance as to the application of provisions in the Act to restrict public access to meetings and/or documents.

The City of Marion supports the principle that procedures to be observed at a Council or Committee meeting should contribute to transparent and informed decision making and encourage appropriate community participation in the business of Council.

The Code of Practice aims to;

  • Provide the community with information on access to Council and Council Committee meetings and the documents of those meetings;
  • Summarise the legal position relating to public access to the Council and Council Committee meetings, agendas, documents and minutes of meetings; and
  • Outline to the community for what purpose and on what basis the Council may apply the provisions of the Act to restrict public access to Council and Council Committee meetings or documents and minutes.

Council is now consulting on the Draft Code of Practice and consultation closes at 5pm on Monday April 10.

To leave your feedback please complete the short survey below.