
The City of Marion is asking the community for their views on the New Draft Parking Guidelines aimed at bringing consistency to the way complaints and requests for action are managed across Council.

The guidelines outline a range of applications including restricted and unrestricted parking, timed parking, street access, criteria for parking infrastructure such as parking bays and education regarding road rules, signage, and driveway indicator markings.

The Draft Parking Management Guidelines are designed to:

  • Be transparent in how decisions are made by Council’s transport team
  • Provide a consistent approach across the City of Marion
  • Provide guidance for staff, Council Members and the community on how to deal with a parking issue and the expectations on service levels

How you can get involved

We encourage you to read the New Draft Parking Guidelines and then complete the short survey below before 5pm on August 14 2023.

All feedback will be considered and included in the report to Council.