Public Art and Placemaking - Creating a sense of place

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The City of Marion recognises that public artworks can help to create a more attractive urban environment which reflects local character, community pride, ownership, sense of place and community identity. It can be in the form of a sculpture, visual arts, digital, music, performance arts, installation and urban activation as well as programmed artistic artworks in the public realm.

To find out more about how to activate your public spaces, connect with your community through public arts and turning spaces into vibrant places, or if you are interested in adding artwork to your stobie pole, please visit our website.
Art in public places | Things to do | City of Marion

The community is invited to share feedback on public art, art on stobie poles and provide other suggestions you may have to make our City more liveable, engaging, prosperous and sustainable via the survey tab below. These surveys are always open for feedback.

Artwork Image: " A place with a history and a future" Mitchell Park Storytelling textile piece, Donna Gordge and community, 2022. Located at Mitchell Park Sports and Community Centre

The City of Marion recognises that public artworks can help to create a more attractive urban environment which reflects local character, community pride, ownership, sense of place and community identity. It can be in the form of a sculpture, visual arts, digital, music, performance arts, installation and urban activation as well as programmed artistic artworks in the public realm.

To find out more about how to activate your public spaces, connect with your community through public arts and turning spaces into vibrant places, or if you are interested in adding artwork to your stobie pole, please visit our website.
Art in public places | Things to do | City of Marion

The community is invited to share feedback on public art, art on stobie poles and provide other suggestions you may have to make our City more liveable, engaging, prosperous and sustainable via the survey tab below. These surveys are always open for feedback.

Artwork Image: " A place with a history and a future" Mitchell Park Storytelling textile piece, Donna Gordge and community, 2022. Located at Mitchell Park Sports and Community Centre

  • The City of Marion would like to invite you to participate in our public art and spaces feedback survey. This survey should take no longer than 5 minutes to complete. 

    To provide feedback on more than one public artwork please complete this survey again selecting the additional artwork.

    To provide feedback on an artwork not listed, please select 'Other' and add description of the work.

    Your feedback is important to us as it will enable us to create public spaces that increase the vibrancy and liveability for the community.  Your feedback will remain anonymous ensuring your privacy is respected and will assist us with our future planning. 

    For further information please contact us at

    Complete Form
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  • The City of Marion invite you to participate in our Art on Stobie Poles, Utility Boxes and other assets feedback survey. You may have received a survey post card because there is an artwork in your neighbourhood or you may have seen some artwork on a stobie pole, utility box or other asset somewhere else in the council area. This survey should take no longer than 5 minutes to complete. 

    Your feedback is important to us as it will enable us to build on this program to create public spaces that increase the vibrancy and livability for the community.  Your feedback will remain anonymous ensuring your privacy is respected and will assist us with our future planning. 

    Summaries of data can be provided on request. For further information please contact

    Complete Form
    Share Art on Stobie Pole, Utility Box and other assets Feedback Form on Facebook Share Art on Stobie Pole, Utility Box and other assets Feedback Form on Twitter Share Art on Stobie Pole, Utility Box and other assets Feedback Form on Linkedin Email Art on Stobie Pole, Utility Box and other assets Feedback Form link
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Modern Awards Review: Discussion paper open for consultation

    A discussion paper was issued on 6 November to support the Fair Work Commission’s consideration of modern award coverage and minimum standards in the arts and culture sector.

    The discussion paper seeks to identify any potential gaps in existing coverage. Submissions are invited in response by 4 December 2023.

    NAVA is hosting a series of sector consultation meetings this month to collaborate and share insights and ideas for extending award coverage for artists and arts workers.

    Meeting notes from each session will be shared after the workshops to help you develop your submission to the consultation. 

    For further information, click here

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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    The Trott Park Trail forms a pathway that connects four reserves and commences east at Tyson Avenue Reserve, and meanders west through Reserve Street Reserve, Scarvell Avenue Reserve and finishes at Klippel Avenue Reserve.

    The trail provides an ideal opportunity to enhance neighbourhood character, provide a destination that supports the walking network and join the central Reserve Street Reserve facilities to the neighbourhood.

    The proposed Trail enhances and utilises existing infrastructure such as drink fountains, public toilet, current pathways and seating.

    Proposed Options

    Option 1 - Trail Only 

    Option 2 - Trail with Australian Art 

    Option 3 - No trail 

    Join the Conversation

    Please familiarise yourself with the three options and refer to the FAQ’s before completing the Survey.

    Next Steps

    Council will consider all feedback and will provide an update on the next steps of the project following the close of the engagement.

    Share Trott Park Trail on Facebook Share Trott Park Trail on Twitter Share Trott Park Trail on Linkedin Email Trott Park Trail link
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    The City of Marion is currently running a survey to hear from you about what is important in your community and how satisfied you are with the services we offer.

    By completing our survey you will be helping to build a better future for you and your community.

    Responses are anonymous and are limited to one per person. The survey will take approximately 8-10 minutes to complete.

    Closes 27 June 2022

    Click here to take part in the Community Satisfaction Survey 2022

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Page last updated: 22 May 2024, 12:29 PM