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Streetscape projects play a pivotal role in enhancing community liveability by fostering social connections, improving safety, supporting local economies, promoting health, and contributing to environmental sustainability.

Since 2017, 14 streetscape projects have been successfully completed, rejuvenating urban infrastructure by updating aging assets and optimising resources.

Councils 'Streetscape Program' faces new economic challenges that have required a strategic re-evaluation. In response, council has developed a new prioritisation assessment tool (matrix) that considers key factors such as;

  • project significance
  • availability of a funding partner
  • current safety and condition
  • social and environmental impacts
  • efficiency

These factors are scored and used to guide and prioritise future projects that will continue to advance our community’s streetscape infrastructure in a dynamic and evolving landscape.

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We have recently gone through this prioritisation process in order to finalise our 4-year Streetscape Plan.

3 streetscape projects have been identified for delivery from 2025 to 2029 as presented in the table below.

We are now inviting you to review the Draft Streetscape Plan 2025-2029 and tell us what you think.

Do you support the proposed streetscape projects identified in the plan?

Complete the survey to let us know what you think.

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