Greening Edwardstown

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Project Background

The Edwardstown Green Infrastructure Project is a component of a larger initiative by the City of Marion, the Revitalisation of the Edwardstown Employment Precinct. In 2019, Council resolved to investigate the revitalisation of the Edwardstown Employment Precinct. A 12-month Action Plan was developed in collaboration with the business community. A 2020/21 12-month Action Plan endorsed by Council at the Meeting on 28 July 2020 will continue the momentum for the project

Project Objectives

The Edwardstown Green Infrastructure Project aims to

  • Reduce urban heat islands
  • Improve amenity
  • Improve air quality
  • Reduce stormwater runoff
  • Improve social health and wellbeing

It will investigate thermal comfort, ecosystems and stormwater quality analysis and deliver 176 advanced trees, 75 tree inlets and 8 water education totems in the following key Edwardstown employment precinct streets:

  • Woodlands Terrace
  • Furness Avenue
  • Deloraine Road
  • Dunorlan Road
  • And/or adjoining streets.

At maturity the project will provide an additional 14,080 sqm of tree canopy to the area.

If you have any feedback on the project or would like more information please contact us Kate by email.

Greening of Edwardstown

Did you know?

Green streets make a more enjoyable journey.

Temperatures under the shade of a tree can be 10-25° C less than in the full sun.

Trees adjacent to properties can reduce cooling costs by about 10%.

Leaves filter the air we breathe by removing dust and pollution particles.

Tree roots help water seep into the soil, reducing runoff and stormwater.

Tree inlets capture stormwater from the road and divert it directly to the roots of street trees, keeping them healthier and greener.

Trees provide home, shelter and food for birds and other wildlife.

The City of Marion has planted trees and installed tree inlets on this street. Supported by Green Adelaide through the Greener Neighbourhoods Grants program.

Project Background

The Edwardstown Green Infrastructure Project is a component of a larger initiative by the City of Marion, the Revitalisation of the Edwardstown Employment Precinct. In 2019, Council resolved to investigate the revitalisation of the Edwardstown Employment Precinct. A 12-month Action Plan was developed in collaboration with the business community. A 2020/21 12-month Action Plan endorsed by Council at the Meeting on 28 July 2020 will continue the momentum for the project

Project Objectives

The Edwardstown Green Infrastructure Project aims to

  • Reduce urban heat islands
  • Improve amenity
  • Improve air quality
  • Reduce stormwater runoff
  • Improve social health and wellbeing

It will investigate thermal comfort, ecosystems and stormwater quality analysis and deliver 176 advanced trees, 75 tree inlets and 8 water education totems in the following key Edwardstown employment precinct streets:

  • Woodlands Terrace
  • Furness Avenue
  • Deloraine Road
  • Dunorlan Road
  • And/or adjoining streets.

At maturity the project will provide an additional 14,080 sqm of tree canopy to the area.

If you have any feedback on the project or would like more information please contact us Kate by email.

Greening of Edwardstown

Did you know?

Green streets make a more enjoyable journey.

Temperatures under the shade of a tree can be 10-25° C less than in the full sun.

Trees adjacent to properties can reduce cooling costs by about 10%.

Leaves filter the air we breathe by removing dust and pollution particles.

Tree roots help water seep into the soil, reducing runoff and stormwater.

Tree inlets capture stormwater from the road and divert it directly to the roots of street trees, keeping them healthier and greener.

Trees provide home, shelter and food for birds and other wildlife.

The City of Marion has planted trees and installed tree inlets on this street. Supported by Green Adelaide through the Greener Neighbourhoods Grants program.

  • Street trees have a positive impact on the streetscape and provide multiple community and environmental benefits. Every tree that Council plants in its streets is a step toward to fostering a healthier environment for the City of Marion. 

    The Greening of Edwardstown project is a component of a larger initiative by the City of Marion, the Revitalisation of the Edwardstown Employment Precinct. 

    The purpose of this project is to increase tree canopy that will reduce the heat island effect, improve the visual character of this commercial/industrial area, and encourage the community to become more active due to shade and amenities provided. 

    In 2020, the City of Marion planted over 175 trees as part of the Greening of Edwardstown project.   In 2021 we will be planting a further 150 trees in the following key industrial streets of Edwardstown.

    • Conmurra Avenue
    • Deloraine Road
    • Dunorlan Road
    • Furness Avenue
    • Konando Terrace
    • Lindsay Way
    • Waverley Avenue
    • Weaver Street
    • Woodlands Terrace
    • Wilfrid Street, and/or adjoining streets

    Consultation closes on Friday, 16 July 2021

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Page last updated: 10 Aug 2021, 04:29 PM